Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

mumenommummiav I .WAAAMAMAAWAtAWAWAAAAAA 'Or4PttVr4r4atr'IM%g'4P'r4 tui-AWkv,Pka4zPkgPktuVkfrtA- THE }irituall-I ife A N D 1N-BEING of CHRIST In all BELEEVERS. GALATIAN s, 2 . part ofthe 20. var. -Neverthelefr I live, yet not ir) but draft liveth inme. AAA,A44 $4 N this Epiftle,theApoftle Paul does inclu- wr woze.'"gg ftrioufly prove, That a man ts juftified by faith in (*ill- alone, and not by the work! of 6 the law. Which he plainly affirms at the 41Ciekt..R%I.,2 4n4:10. .10.CAMOI DO.' i6. verfe, - Knowing that a man it not julti--- Mi4W4: fled by the workr ofthe law, - but by the faith oflefuir Chrifi, even we havebeleeved in 7e- .fur Chrift,that we might be jullified y the faith ofChrift, and not by the works ofthe law: for by the works ofthe law Pall no fiefb be juflified. But if a man be not ju tiified by the works of the law, then a man may live as he liils may ceafe from working. Not fo (flies the Apoftle ) forfo , we our felves D mid Preached at Stepney. .70/Y52. 1648.