Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

of Chrifi in all Tekevers., 3 Fiat of all. Every Godly, Gracing man, if a living man, is Voa .1 . in the liege of life ; lives a Spiritual life. And this ye have moil exprefly, in that 6, Chap. of John, at the4o. verf. I his ii the will of!vim that fint me, 7lzat e-teiy one whichfetch the Son,and believetb on him,may have everlafling life, and Iwill raife him up at the 141 day. But though he (hall have everlafting life hereafter, it maybe he bath not this life for the prefent: Look therfore what he faies at the 47. verf. Verily, verily, I fay untoyou, Re that beleeveth on me bath everlafling life. 'Tis not faid, He Pall have everlafting life, but he bath everlafting life ; everlafling life is begun in him already. And that ye may be themore Pure of it, he givesyou a double Verily ; verily, verily Ifay untoye, He that believetbon me, bath everlafling life. But how can this be ? Nay, how should it be otherwife ? for a mans life is, as his meat is : and faies our Saviour, I am the bread oflife, at the 48.verf. Then at the 54. verf. Whofeever eatetbmyfefh, and drinkethmy blood, loatheternal life: For myflefb (at the 55. verf. }is meat indeed, andmy blood is drinkindeed ; he that eatetb my fiefh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth inme and I in him : As the living Fatber bath fent me, and I live by the Father; fo he that eateth me , even he fhall live by me. So that ye fee, this Chapter is ful of it,here is a cloud ofwitneffes : I fay then- fore, That every godly, graciousman, is a living man,and lives another life from the life oftheworld, a fpiritual life, and is in the flateof fpiritual life. For the opening ofthis Truth unto ye, We mull lira of all enquire, What this Spiritual life is. Take therefore phis defcription of it : It u thatfupernaturalpekfiffion offoul, whereby a man being united unto Chrift, by the Spirit, if 4ble to aa, move, and work towards God at his titmoji end. Firft (I fay) [It U afupernaturalperfalioni There is force perfe&ion in every life : Life is the greateft good and per- feEtion : Death is the greateft evil. Therefore'when the Lord threatned Adam, to punifh him for eating the forbid- den- fruit, he faies The day thou eatefi thereof , thou _Fait die Gen .2.17 the DEAT H. Death is the greateft evil, and fo Life is D 2 the