74)2 4. 3. tuft. 2 The Spiritual life, and In-being the greatett good and perfeaion. And this the Devil knew full well, when he laid, Skinfor skin, and all that a man bath will begivefor his lif e. So that life is a perfe&ion. But I fay, this Spiritual rife, It is the Supernatural perfe&ion of the foul. And therefore in the 4. chapter ofthe Epbefians, and the aS verfe, This life of the Saints,the very life of the Saints is called The life ofGod. 'Tis a fupernatural perfeEti- on of foul therefore. Secondly, As it is a fupernatural perfe&ion of Soul : So it riles from our Vnion with Cbriji by the Spirit. Aman is uni- ted toGod by faith,-andby theSpirit: and as our outward life doesarife from the union between the foul and the bo- dy ; and though the body be never fo fair or full, yet if it be not united to theSoul, it isbut a dead carkafs : So our Spirituallife,it doth arifefromour union with Chritt; and though a man have never fo many moral virtues, and his converfation be never fo fair, yet ifnot united toChriti by the Spirit, he is but a dead man , fpiritually adead man. And therefore faies the Apofile here in the Text, Neverthe- left I live, yet not I, but Chrifi liveth in me. Thirdly. As it arifes from our unionwithChrift , by the Spirit : So (I fay,) It is that Supernatural perfeaiork, whereby amen isable to di, andmove, andworktowards God as bid utmoji and laji end, And therefore faies the Apofile in the former verfe, I through the Law, am dead unto the Law, that Imay live to Cod. To God, as myhit and myutmott end. And when a man is able to aft,and move, and work towards God, as his latt , and utmoft end, then he is Paid to live fpiritually. So that then ye have thisdefcripti- on of our fpiritual life; I repeat it again. It is that fuper- natural 1perfection offoul,wbereby a man being uniteduntoChrifi, by the Spirit, is able toall", andmove, andworktowards God ac his utmoft ends Secondly. Whereby may it appear, That every, godO, gracious man, is thus a living man, madepartaker ofthis jPiritual life, fo as to be able to esti, andmove, andworktowards God as his ut- moll end:? I wili