Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Thc spiritual life, and In-being ted upon a wall, a painted child grows not: and ifa man' come to ye and fay, What's the reafon that this child does not grow? two or three years agone hewas as big as now he is ? you will eafily anfwer, becaufe he is but a painted child, he is not a livingchild ; if he were a living child he would grow. Now theSaints and people of God, they grow in grace, and therfore they are living children : they are living children, and therefore they grow in grace. 2. Secondly. What is the Effential property ofthe Senfitive life, of the life ofBeall! , of the lite ofBirds ? (for they live another life than the life ofTrees, and the lifeof Flo- wers, and ofHerbs) what is the Effential Property ofthat kind of life ? TheEfrential propertyof that kind oflife is, Yo be fenfible ofgoodor evilfinableunto them. And fo the faints andpeople of God are : they are fenfible alfo , they are not pall feeling, as tis faid of wicked men , but they are fenfi- ble of things fumble to them. Indeed, they have not the fence and feeling ofthings as theywould, or do defire : but there are Three things which the Saintsand people ofGod are all fenfible of. They are fenfible oftheir Sins; efpecial- ly if they be committed again(' their knowledge. They are fenfibleof the Riding ofGodsface from them. And they are fenfible of theChurchesmiferies. 1. They are very fenfible of theirfins: And therefore Paul Ron1.7. cries out,0wretched man that I am ! Ifind a law inmy members: 2 3,2+ 0wretched man that Iam lYe reade in other places ofhis Epi- SCgr.I Z. ftles,he faies,He will rejoyce concerning bisAffliaions Infirmi- 0. tiet.He tels us how he was flon'd,& how he was imprifon'cl, lcourg'd,whipt: & in al that he does not cry out,0wretched man that I am! But now finding the law in his members, he is more fenfible ofthat than ofany affliEtion ; here now he cries out, 0 wretched man that Iam, whopall deliver I And as for the Eliding of Godsface : The people ofCod 2. are the moil fen fible of that too. For ye knowwhat Pa- ri lo. l vidfaid, As a jrwordin my bones, while they faid unto me, where 1, ow thy God ? The lord had hid his face from him : Oh! l= 4 (faits he) This is a (Word in my bones, while men fay un. CO