Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

of Chrift in all Releevers. tome,W here is now thy God ? And fo our Lord and Sa- vior Chrift, when he was upon the croffe, he cries out, My God, my God, why haft thou forfaken me ? He does not cry out unto his Apopes, and Pifciples, why have you forfaken me ? They all left him, and yet he did not fay, Oh ! Tho- mas, Oh ! Peter, Oh ! Matthew, Oh ! al my Pijciples, and Apopes, whyhave you forfaken me ? And the Sunhad withdrawn his light; and he does not fay, why haft thou forfaken me? He felt many pains, being pierced thorow , nail'd unto theCroffe ; and yet He does not cry out and fay, Oh ! what pains,and tortures do I feel ? But, as fen- fible ofthis more than of all His outward torment, He cries out,My God, my God, why haft thouforfaken me ? And as 'tis with the Head, fo 'tis with the Members.. And , as unto the Miferies of the Churches. Ye know how it was withYeremiah; 0 that my head were a fountain of tears, that 1 could weep day and night for the 'lain ofmy people. Thus (I fay) a godly man , though he have not the fence and feeling of his fithand ofotherthings as he would have; yet thefe Three things he is efpecially fenhbleof :.. Senfible of his own Sin, efpecially that committed againft know- ledge. The Hiding ofGods face tom him. And the Mife- ries ofthe Churches. Surely therefore, he is alive, he hath this Effential property of this life in a fpiritual way, and therefore he is alive , and in the ftate of life. Thirdly. Takenow the Third life, the life of Reafon, the Rational life, the life ofMan And what is theEffential Property of that life? It is, To underftand, toknow, to reflett upon a mans own aElions, whether they be Goodor Evil. A Beaft: does many aEtions : but a Beaft hath not power to refle& upon his own aetion , to confider whether it be Good or Evil,when he hath done the aecion. Herein a mantis di- flin&from a Beaft. A Beaft underflandsnot, knowsnot, is not able to reflea upon his own a&ion, and to confider whether it be good or evil when he hath done it. But now a Man that hath this Rational life is ; and the moreof man in a Man, the more he is able to refleEt upon his ownaal- on. Mattb .7 46. 3. Yer.9.1 3,