of drift 7n all &lavers. 9 TeCtIVRINIMIAMMar not come tome , that ye may have life. Ent look into the 3, Chapter of "Y aim, and the 36. verle, and ye (hall find thefe words. he that beleeVeth on the bon, bath everlaping life : and he that beleeveth not the Son, fl all not fee life. Shall not fee life; (mark thofe words) he fhall not come within the view , or fight oflife, or of the good thingsof life. He does not.bare- ly fay, He (hall not live : No, but he (hall not fee life, he (hall notfee the good things of life. So that plainly then, He that beleeveth not, is a dead man, spiritually adead man, and lives not thisfpiritual life. But all motion does tcome from life can a manati , move, and work, and not be alive ? Even wickedmen, they Fray, and they Hear, and they Meade, and they 114edttate, and they 4bt,and Move, and worke towards God, and they do many good things, and have many Moral vertues 5 and can all this be, andyet no life in them ? Yes. For ye know, a Watch, ora Jack, ora Clock; they all move, and a& , and work, andyet they have no life. Though a wicked man may a&, and move, and work to- wards God ; yet notwithflanding, that motion does but arife from thenatural perfe&ion that is lett in him by the fall. Take a Civil man, and though he have many mo- ral venues, what is there in him that lies beyond the reach ofNature, with the dye of Cofpel-Education. gut now, this Spiritual life, it is a Supernatural perfeCtion. Indeed it is faid ofHypocrites,7 hey havea Name to live: I but, they are dead; they are accounted living,but they live not: why becaufe they are not uniteduntoChrill by the Spi- rit, which is the other property of theSpiritual life. 1 his Spiritual life (I fay) It is the Supernatural perfeEtion ofthe Soul, whereby a man is able to a&, and move, and work towards God as his nut-3°hend. Now there is no wicked man,that is able to move towardsCod as his utmoii end : for, ( as the Schools well freak) wicked men, they do Life what they fliculd Enjoy, that is Cod: and ;hey doEn,'cy What they fhould LIfe ; that is, the World. Nkhat wicked man is there in all the world, that is able to move, and work ge .5.go Objet ifnfm,