TO The Spiritual life) dud In-being work towards God as his Jail and his utmoft end ? There is a Twofold End : There is anHither-End,or a Froxe : and a Remote-End: AHithermofi- End, and a Remote, orones Liana End. Awicked man indeed, he may have God at the Hither-End of his aZtion ; but Himfe/fis at the L4=11 End. Look I pray into the 2 of Samuel, the 3. Chapter, at the 17, & IS. verfes, and there you MI reade to this pur- pofe. Abner hadcommunication with the Elders oflfraelday- ing, Tefought for David in timespa/I to be King overyou : Now then do it, for the Lord hathilmkenof David,faying,By the hand ofmyferyant David, Iwill lavemy people Ifrael. Here now he hath God in his eye,and the fulfilling oftheLords promife ; here is one End, why he would bring about the Kingdom to David : For the. Lord bath ffopen of David, laying, By the band ofmyfervant David,/will firve my peopleIfrael. But now look a littlehigher, and you than fee,what his Lltmott End was, inbringing.about the Kingdom toDavid: He fals out with the fon ofSaul; andSault fon comesto him,and faies, Wherefore haft thougone in untomyfathersconcubine ? verfe, 7. Whereupon Abner was very angry (at the 8.verfe) Then was Abner very wrathfor the words of Ithbofheth, and faid, Am I a dogsbead, which againft 7udah cloth fhew kindne this day unto the houPf Saul thyfather, tohis bretbren,andto his friends, andhave not delivered thee into the hand of David , that thou chargefi me to day with a fault concerning this woman ? So do God to Abner andmore alfb , except, as the Lardbath fworn to David,evert fo do Ito him : to tranflate the kingdom from the hotefe ofSaul, and tofet up the Throne of David over Ifrael. (Mark) Here was Self; he would be revengedofhim : Indeed, he fet Godat the Hither-End of theaetion ; but it was Selfthat was at the Litt-Doti Endof the a&ion. And fo it is with a wickedman; though he may have God at the Hither-End of hisa&iou ; yet Himfelf is at the LIttnoti End of his a6ki- on. 'Tis not fo with a godly, gracious man ; but though Self,may be at the Hither-End of his aation ; God is the Lltmoft End : and ifyou ask him, Neighbor, Friend, why do you thus Pray, and Hear, andR.eade , and Meditate ? Ohs