12 The Spiritual life, and inberm i Cor..15. 45, Rom.6. io thou united to Jefus Chrift by the Spirit ? then thou art a- live, and in the Rate of life, madepartaker of this Spiri- tual life. Anddoeft thou knowwhat it is to be made 'par- taker ofthis Spiritual life ? doeft thou know what a life it is that now thou liveft ? It is a life, better and beyond the life that thou fhouldeft have lived in theBate of innocen- cy : for as the fecond Adam is more excellent than the firfi Adamwas ; The351 man Adam was made a living pul ; but the fecund Adamwas made a quickning Spirit. So that life that comes fromChrift the fecond Adam, is better andbeyond that life that you fhould have had from the firftAdant in the Date ofinnocency. Of all lives, thisSpiritual life (thatnow I am fpeaking of) is the molt Pleafant life. In the 36. Pfalm, faies the Pfal- milt concerning thegodly, Cat the 8. verfe) TheyPall be a- bundantly ratirfied with thefatnef? of thy houfe : and thou Jhalt make themdrin&of the river of thy pleafures. Now, as Auflin doth well obferveupon that place, The River hathmany waves, one followinguponanother: & fo are thepleafures oftheSaints, the Spiritual pleafures ; one wave, one plea- fire following upon another; and it is a deep river. Oh but a River may be dry. Nay,it cannot be dry ifit be main- tain'd with a Fountain, and with Springs. Now fee what follows, (at the 9. verfe) They fhall fatisfie themfelves of the river ofthy pleafures : Why ? for with thee is the Fountain of life. So that, ifaman do but enjoy God in Chrift, and be united unto Chrift by the Spirit, he hath this life, which fhall be as a river ofpleafures maintainedwith a Fountain. Yea, this life it fhall know no end. Your lives now, they runinto death : but this life , this Spiritual life, it (hall know no end. The Apoftle argues unto the Romans, that they fhould die no more, becaufe they had ctimunion with i Chrift in his death : And therefore (faies he) In that he died once, hefhall die no more. And fo, you having communion with Chrift in his death, you fhall die no more : once a- live fpiritually, and ye fhall die no more. Who can go to Heavers andpull Chrift out of Heaven ? In the 2. Chapter of,