of amyl In Belsovri. ofPaul unto the Ephefians,the 5.ver. faies the Apoftle there, Even when we were dead in trefpalles andfins , bath he quickzed us together with Chrift : andbe bath railed us up together, and made usfit together inheavenly places in Cbrift Afar. Here's fitting together in heavenly places with Jelin Chrift ; and we are railedup in Chrift. So then, if once ye have this Spiritual life in Chrift, ye (hall never die again Spiritu- ally. And this life (that now I am fpeaking of) 'tis ofall o- ther lives, themoil Communicative life. AMan doescom- municate life unto his Child ; but his Child is not able prefently, affoon as 'tis born,, to communicate life unto an other child. One Beal does communicate life unto ano- ther ; the Sheep communicates lifeunto the Lamb : but the Lamb affoon as 'tis brought forth is not able to communi- cate life to another, and beget another. And fo, the Herb communicates life to another, but not prefently affoon as 'tisan Herb. But now, no fooner does a man partakeof this Spiritual life,but he is prefently able to communicate life unto another : When thou art converted, firengthen thy bre- Luke,22, thren. No fooner wasPaul made alive by another, but he 3 3. prefently goes and communicates this life unto his bre- thren. And let me tell you one thing more: Though your fins have beenvery great while you were in the hate of death, before you were made partakers of this Spiritual life: yet when once ye come to partake of this fpiritual life-, the Lord wil look upon al your former fins under another con- fideration, a mollifying con fideration. This my fon was dead We, 5, (fairs the father ofthe Prodigal) and is now alive : that is 3 2' all. He does not fay,Thiswas a Whoremonger, or this was a Riotter, or this wasa Spend-thrift, andnow he is retur- ned andcome home to me for meat : No, but in mollifying terms, only thus, This myfon mar dead, and is now alive. And ye knowwhat is PaidofDavid, David committed a great fin in the murder ofVriab : and yet fairs the Lord concer- ning David, He turnednot afide to the right band or to the left, i King, lave 75.5.