Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

14 711e spiritual life) and In-being rave only in the matter of Vriab. He does not fay, Save on- ly in themurder of Vriah ; but in a mollifying term, he faies ' only fo,Save only in thematter of Vriah:a mollifying term: Why ? becaufe that David had repented ofthe Sin, & now the Lord does not Look upon it, but under this mollifying term ; Save only, in thematter 5 not in themurder of Vri- ab, but in thematter ofVriab. And io , if thoudo repent, and turn unto the Lord thy God, though thy fins have bin very great in the fiate of thy death , yet if once come to be made partaker of this Spiritual life, the Lcrd will lookup- on all thy former fins under other terms, and mollifying confiderations : He will not fay, Here's this poor wretch, that now I do look upon as a Drunkard, or a Swearer ; but he will fay thus ; This my Ion was ead, but is now alive this my daughter was dead, and is now alive. Thus the 'Lord will look upon your former evils, if onceye come to be made partaker of this Spiritual life. Oh ! therefore, what a bleffed condition are the Saints and people ofGod in,that are made partakers of this fame Spiritual life. I re- member it is written ofa certain Martyr in the Primitive times, a woman ; when fhe was brought before the enemies ofthe Cofpel, they put divers queltions toher, and fhe an- fwered all their quetions with one anfwer,whichwas this: Chrifliana fum, I AM A CHRISTIAN. When they laid unto her,Woman,Art thou marriedor no. /am a Col-. faies the. What Parents haft thou, Woman ? lam a Chriflian, faies the. Woman, W here doefi thou live ? 1 am a Chrifian, faies fhe. She anfwered all their qucilionswith this, 1 am a Chriflian. Anclfo , me thinks a man may an- fwer all objections that are made unto himwith this: lam alive inChrift. But, thou halt a dead Elate, much of it is loft at Sea, or at Land. Well, but I am alive in Chrift. Ent, haft thou not a dead Husband, or a dead Wife, or a dead Child ? lam alive in Chrift. P.m, is not thy Name dead and buried under reproaches? I am alive in Chrift. Apoor foul may anfwer all with this ; I anz alive in Chrift. Oh ! what a bleifed thing is it, for a man to be madepartaker of this Spiritual