MO, of chr;f1 in all Beleevers. Spiritual life I This is the condition ofall the Saints. Art thou therefore alive, and made partaker of this Spiritual- life? bluffed art thou from the Lord,and thou (halt beblef- fed to all eternity. I am afraid that Ihave not this Spiritual life; for myheart is Obje (1. Dead, andCold, and Stiffe: andAzad men , they are Cold and Stile, very Stile : and truly fo'tis with me ; My heart ir Cold, and Dead,and Stiff e,andtherfore Ifear Iam freeamongtheDead, andnot free among the Living. Have ye not heard,That there is a deadnefs which is op- iinfti, polite toLivelineg, afwel as adeath that is oppofit to Lit' e? And were thine heart dead, with a death oppofite to Life, thou could(' not feel it. And I appeal to thee ; Ifthat thy foul be alive in oppofition to death ; haft thou not more caufe to be thankful, that thy foul is alive in oppofirion to eleath, than to be difcouraged,that thy foul is dead in op- pofition to Livelinefi? But there is a difference(yeknow) between the coldnefsof a Livingman, and the coldnefs ofa Deadman. Take a dead man, and if hebe cold,'tis not al your fires wil put warmth into him, or your Aqua-vine, or your chafing and rubbing of him, or your warm beds that will make him warm. But now,take a man that is cold, and Living; and if ye chafe him, or bring him to the fire, or lay him in a good warm bed; he recovers his warmth again. And fo 'tis with a godlyheart, though cold, yet bring it unto the Ordinance, either Publickly, or Privatly, , and it recovers its warmth againe : and hath it not been even fo with forne of you? It's true, A Dead man is Stifle. But have yowfound your (elves in a way offin,an evil way ; and are ye fo iliffe therein, as yewill not beput out ofyour way, no not by admonition ? then ye arefife indeed. There are twomen that are out of their way, (fuppofe) TheTraveller, and the Thief : TheTraveller is out of his way ; and ifyou come to him and fay, Sir, you are much out ofyour way : He hear- kens to ye, and he thanksye , and he returns into his way again