Objec7, fw. 1. The Spiritual life and In-being again. put if ye come to a Vhiefand fay, Sir, you areour of your way, He laughs, and (corns, and comes not into the way. So, there are fome indeed, that are out of their way; and ifyoudo come to them and tell them, that they areout oftheir way ; they will bleffe, and praife the Lord for your admonition, andIabor to return into their way again. Put fome there are, that if ye tell them, that they areout oftheir way, they will rather fcorn and jeer at it; What have you to do to meddle withme? what haveyou todo to meddle with my wales? meddle with your own matters. There men are fife, they are fiifie indeed ; why? becaufe they are dead ; they are fiifle in the way oftheir and they wil not be Birdout,no,not by Admonition,why? becaufe they are dead. Ent I appeal toye, whether is it thus with ye or no ? Don't ye fay rather, I praife the Lord, though fometimes , (yea many times) I am out ofthe way, and in the way ofCa ; yet I can rejoyce in an Admonition, andbleffe the Lord for an Admonition Yea, this I can ipeak,though my heart be fometimes very cold, yet I have found heat, and warmth recovered again, either under a Publick, or under a Private Ordinance : Well then, be of good comfort, thou art not dead ; though thou mayeabe asleep, yet thoumayell be among the living. /amafraid that I am not alive#iritually, that I am not made partaker ofthis#iritual life, becaufe I do not grow in grace ; and this is the difference between aLiving childand a Dead child: the Dead, paintedchildgrows not, but the Living childgrows and the Lordknows, I do not grow in grace, and therefore I fear that I am but thepainted child of God, and I am not the Living child. Ifthis were true, it were ill : for growth ( indeed) is a fign oflife. Put whoever you are that make this Objaki- on,and lie under this fear : Giveme leave to propound to ye. Two or Three Questions. Firli. Do ye not grow more out of lovewith your own B ightioufnefs,and with your own Duties, as to the ceiling on them ? The tironger a man grows in grace, themorehe grows