Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

*190..1..1.11.91171,10. 20 The Spiritual life) and in-being Anfrv. 1. Duty. at theheel, Tome earthly buhntls at the heel, and fo they fall down to the earth again. So ifit be with you now, if you have a {lone at your heel, a Calling at your heel, an Imployment at your heel, an earthly bufmefs at your heel ; yet ifevery day youarerunarning, and lamenting over it, and laying, Oh ! what a clog have I at my heel ! what a (lone have I at my heel ! Oh ! Lord, when (hall I come to Heaven, that I may be freed from thisclog at my heel ? I fay, if you mourn, and lament over this clog that you have at your heel, it rather argues,that you are alive than dead ; and therefore take in al the comfort that hath been fpoken concerning this Truth ; The Saints and people of God, are in'a moil comfortable Rate upon this account. But you will fay unto me : Is there nothing in thisDoUrin but Comfort ? is there no Duty that this &Urine cats for at our hands ? Suppofe now, that I be alive, JPiritually alive; that in- deedI am not the Painted child,but Iam the Living child ofGod, andmadepartaker ofthis Spiritual life; What is my Duty now that doesflow from hence ? Surely,you will be thankful for your life. Ifyourout- ward and momentary life were given you fora prey, you would be thankful : and will ye not be thankful for this life ? this Spiritual life ? thisPleafant life ? this Eternal life, that never (hall be taken from you ? But there areThree things I wil propound to you in par- ticular. Firft.lfwe be alive indeed, &made partakers of this Spi- ritual life : Why thenfbouldwe not live at an higher rate than the world does which have none ofthis ? The Beal lives at an higher rate than thePlant, or theHerb does ; why ? be carafe it hath an higher life than the Plant, or Herb bath. Man (asman ) lives at an higher rate than the Bea(( does; why ? becaufe man ( as man) hath an higher life than the Beall hath. And if a man have this Spiritual life, he hath a life that is higher than the men of the worlds life is : and therefore, ifwe be alive, and madepartaker of this Spiri- tual life; why fhould we not live at ahigher rate ? why fhould