Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

of chrili in all Bekevers. 21 fhould Knot fay to my own foul thus, ( and (peak it often ) 0my foul, Wherein doeit thou live at a higher rate than Civil men do ? thouhaft ahigher life, (thou faieff ) why docit thou not then live at a higher rate ? Secondly. If we be alive indeed,and madepartakers of 2.7"uty. this Spiritual life : Why fhouldour hearts run after the things of the world, fo eff to feed on them as our meat , to be fatiffied with them ? Every life lives upon fome meat that maintains it , and is finable to it. The Herb bath one kind of life and it hath a meat which lutes to it. The Beafts have another life, and they have a meat that does lute to that life. Man hath another life different from the Beaft, and thereforehe hath a meat that does fuit to his life. Now this Spiritual life, 'tis another kind oflife than the natural life ofman is, and therefore it moil have a meat that does lute with it, meat that the world knows not of. Sales our Savior, I have meat John+ toeat thatyou know not of.. This lifeofgrace, it is a hidden 32. life; and therefore the meat thereof that it livesupon, 'tis an hidden meat. Then if you are alive indeed, and have this Spiritual life ; why do you live upon thefe outward things? andwhy fhould our hearts run out after thefeout- ward things,fo as to live upon them, and make them (as it were) our meat, for the fatisfa&ion of our fouls to live upon. Thirdly. If we be alive indeed, and made partakers of this Spiritual life, Why is our Communion andFellow. fhip toge- ther no more living ? Why no more living Fellowihip and Communion ? why is our Conference no more warm and living ? A living coal warms(ye know:)There is this diffe- rence between a livingcoal,and a dead coal : Take a Dead coal, and though it be never fo great or fmall, it fullics and blacks (more or leffe) but it warms not. But take your Living coal, which hath fire in it , and though it be never fo great or ftnall , it does warm, in proportion, moreor leffe it warms : And ifwe be as Living coals, why then is, our Conference and Communion together no more warm- ing? When ye go intoWicked and Ungodly company , there 4 3.Duty