Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

22 The spiritual life, and In-beitig refl. there ye meet with dead coals, and there ye are fullied,and dirtied,andblack't by them. (I fay) Ifye indeed be living coals, why is your Conference no more warm and living ? Oh what fad times are we now fallen into ? Heretofore, fome four, or lix,or tenyears ago, ye ihould not come into a Chriflians company,but you fhould have fome heart-war- mingConference that you ffiould blefsGod for manyyeers after. As 'tis faid of Yunitis, he came into a poor country- mans houfe, and he fpake fo feelinglyof Chrifi, that he thought it was not Knowledge only, that would fcrve a mans turn, and thereupon he thought ofhis own conditi- on,and was turned to God. An we reade of theA/far:yr., in the Primitive times,when they met together, they would fpeak muchof the Kingdom, the Kingdom, the Kingdomof Heaven! in fo much, as their Acculers, their Enemies, and Perfecutors, charged them, That they aimed at theEm- pire, and the Kingdom; whereas they were freaking of a Heavenly Kingdom, and not ofan EarthlyKingdom. But (I fay) they werealwaies freaking of the Kingdom,the King- dom. And fo heretofore,in former times,when Chriftians did meet together, then theywould fpeakoftheKingdom, and fomthing that would warm their hearts together,that they might be the better al the yeer after : But now, when we are met together, either our fpeech is about Newes, or Come Difpute in point of Religion, or fome other thing ; yea, though it be upon the Lords-day. But if you be li- ving coals, Where is your livingConference ? and your heart-warming-Communion? Certainly, if you be alive in Chrifi indeed and made partaker of this Spiritual life, you will live at a higher rate than the men of the world do. If there nothing in all thislioffrine, concerning thofe that are dead in fins, andmadealive ? hatbl,this Do6irnie nothing to fay to them ? Yes, it ha th very much to fay to them ; Only,I am loth tobe themeffenger ofdeath to any one of your fouls ? But if this Doarine be true, That every godly man, is a living man