Objeli. 4441. canuaoseaWaszairsocaa The spiritu41 life, and lit-being Soul together ; So Unbelief keeps a man from coming to Jefus Chrifi .And another thing is,Vnwillingnes top irt with all for Mos Chrifi. The youngman ye have read ofin the Gofpel,went away forrowful,when Chrift Paid to him,Go and fd al, tocome mChrift : fo he did not come toChrift upon that account. And fo,when we come to men andwo- men,and fay, You mull come to Chrift, and leave all your former Company ; Nay, (fay they) I can have Ch rift bet- ter cheap,upon better terms ; and I cannot leave myCom- pany, and my merry meetings , and fo they come not to Chrift. But I befeech you in the Lord, Come unto Jefus Chrift; Oh ! what ever thou haft been, Come untoJefus Chrifi that you may have life. I knowmany will fay, Ihave been long dead in my treffiaffis and fins, andI fear there is no hope of lifefor me. Now mark what I fay to that,and fo I wil end al. There are Three mentioned in the Gofpel, whom Chrift railed from the dead. One a Maid, that lay in her fathers houfe, and Ch rift came in and took her by the hand,andPaid unto her, Arife. Another was a Young-man, thatwas carried out ofhis fathers houfe, and was laid out upon the Hearfe; and Chrift came,and laid unto him, Arife. And the third was Lazarus, that had been four dayes dead and flank a- gain ; and Chrift fpeaks toLazarus, and he comes forth. And there Three ((ales flin) thews thofe that Ch rift wil raife up from the dead again. The firft, (the maid that lay in her fathers houfe) notes that fort offinners, thatcommit Secret fins, & never come abroad,never come into a&. The fecond (the fon that was carried out of his fathers houfe, and- laid upon the Hearfe) notes that fort offinners, that fin openly; Swearers, and Drunkards, whofe fins are a- broad. And the Third,(that ofLazaruf ) notes that fort of firmer, that bath lien fo long in thegrave that heeven finds again. Now I pray further obferve this, That when Chrift came to raife Lazarus, then Chrift prayed , but he did not pray when he railed the other two :and hegroan'd over him ; hedid not groan over the maid , nor over the youn