Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

of chrifi in all Bekevers. young-man, but hegroan'd over Lazaruf , to chew the dif- ticulty of railing a poor lamer from the dead that hash lien long in his fin. And therefore, it there be ever a pour foul here that is dead in his fins ; Oh ! go to Chrilt while thou art young, and fall down before him and fay, Oh Lord)! have a dead heart of mine own,Oh 1 let me have life from thee. But whether thoubait young or old,here is yet hope ; Lazarus railed as well as theyoungmaid, & young- Man ; Lazartg,that lay til he flank again in the grave; and therefore, yet there is hope though thou hall lien long. Wherfore,in theName of the Lcrd,I oefeech you all,Come untoJefus Chrift this morning. Ifthere beever a poor dead foul in this Congregation, as may be fome there is,- fome Drunkard crept in, Come Swearer, fome Unclean wanton : Well, if there be ever a dead foul in this Congregation, now go to Chrift that thoumayeft havelife : and I fay to thee, Awake thou that fleepekand ftand up from the dead, and the Lord Jefus give us life. AMAAMIAAAAAAAAAMAIMAAAA VMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWMIVVO