4 The Spiritual life, and in-being MAA OA 6'1* 0410W' ar,4 a01,tt MiV4WOOM ciA0W0WW044WW AAAAAAAAA Preached at Stepney., t648. Doa.2. SERMON IL GALATIANS) 2. part ofthe 20. yerf. iveverthele, I live, yet not I, but drift liveth inme. $$ $444 .44. 11. E heard the loft day,that two things efpe- 74.4iMe cially, are obfervable from thefewords : 4:0Q - --.4---7,a0... First. That every godly, graoiout man, is a 410-0 Y 44,,,,....aloa livingman, is in the )(late oflife, lives affi- :v. , ritual lift. And this I have fpoken to. W0ii WSW Secondly. That our jullification by faith " alone, is noenemy, but arealfriendunto this our Spiritual lift' . Nevertheleg .0; ' and now I live ; but new I live. As ifhe fhould fay , I never did live before ; but now being juftified by faith alone, and having the experience ofthis greatTruth, Now I live. At the i6. verfe, he had faid, That aman is not juilified by the works of the Law, but by the faith ofYerus Chrift 5 Whereupon it was,or might be ob3eEt- ed : Ifa man be not juftifiedby the works of the Law, then is he free from the Law, then is he deadunto theLaw,then may a man live as hafts?' Nay, not fo (fatei the Apofile at the 'r 9. verfe) For I through the Law, am dead to theLaw , that Imight live to God: (-quite contrary) That Imight live toGo d, Iam dead to she Law. Yea , and though I am crucified with Chrifi,yet now I live, and I never did live till now; but now I live : This veryprinciple ofjuftification by faith alone, is the