of Chrifi in all Bekevers. the fountain, and original of all my fpiritual life. And thus indeed you shall find : for if you look into thofe three Epiftles ofPaul, To theRomans, the Galatians, and theHe- brews; ye mail find, that the Apofiledoes give this as the rife unto all his Exhortations untoHolinefs of life. In the fatter end of the Epiftle to the Romans, the Apottle does ex- hort unto holy praCafes, and toa godly converfation : but in thebegining, he does Elate, and prove thisDotirine of juftification by faith alone. So in this Epiftle to the data- tians ; So in the Epiiile to the Hebrews : As if the only rife ofall our Holinefs, andGodly Converfation were this , Our Free-juftification through the Blood of Chrift, by faithalone. For theopening,and cleering of this great Truth 5 T Thal fpend a little time in the Explicationof the terms. Firft. 3uffification by faith alone. Secondly. I mall labor to demonftrate this Truth unto you, ThatJuftification by faith alone, Is the Fountain, and Original of all our Holinefi,andSpiritual life. Thirdly. Anfwer to force Objections. Fourthly. Labor to thew ye, What there is in this Free- juffification by faith alone, that may , can, or doth advance our Wine. What is meant by this cation by faith alone ? That I may be underflood by themeaneft. By this jujiifi- eation,Imean,That all of Gods grace,wherby through the imputa- tionofour fins to Chrifi,and Chrifis righteoufneff unto us, God the father dotbpronounce us righteous in hisfight. This is jollifica- tion. And this is done by the Righteoufnefs, and the Blood of,Chrift only,as the_Material andMeritorious caufe; 'Tis done only byFaith as the Infiruntental caufe, fo weare Paid to be justified by Faith alone. Yet not fo, as that a man is juftifiedby faith which hathno works ; for all juftifying faith is full ofworks : but thefe works do not come into our juftification : As now, a mans fervants, they have him to bed ; Servants have their Nailer and Miftris to bed,tend upon them to bed 5 but they do not go into the bed with G 2 them: ..111 IMMEME1111111111111MY efi. Anfw.