Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

The. Spiritual life, and In-being them : They arewith them again in the morning, they bring themwater and neceffary things , but they do not come to bed to them. Now (faies Luther) Juiiification is that bed, where Cull and a Beleeving foul lies : & though good works, Duties, and Prayers tend upon Chrift, and where ever ;here is faith, there are there ; yet this bed of jurtification iskept free, and entire, and only for the Righ- teoufnefs ofJefus ; and they come not to bed, they come not into this work. Or if you will thus : Ye know, that when an Ifraelite was flung in the wildernefs, by afiery biting ferpent, he was then to look upon the Brafen ferpent ; and by the beholding ofthe Brafen-ferpent he was cured; the looking ofhiseyes cured him. He had other members, there was the Arms, and the Legs, and other members that did accompany the Eyes ; but though there were other members that did accompany the Eyes, it was the feeing of the Eyes that did cure the perfon. And fo, thoughworks do accompany faith ; and there is no Paving, juflifying faith,but worksaccompany it; yet it is only the beholding of this Erafen-ferpent by the eyeof faith,that does cure the foul as to the point of Juflification. When Abraham went up into the mountain tooffer up his fon , he fpake to his Gen. 22. fervants to flay below, Stay you here till I come again, at the 5 foot and the bottom ofthis hill : and fo theydid. Servants he had, but they flayed below. And fo when a man goes up into this hil ofjuflification, this highmountain, he takes only his faith with him, and he fayes untoall his works, and unto all his duties, flay you below at the bottomof the hil ; and there they attend. So that faith, juflifying faith, though it hath alwaies works, yet they come not into this matter of juflification. 'Tis Faith alone that jullifies. This by way of Explication. But Secondly. You will fay, Flowmay it appear now, that this free-jugification ofa poor fanner by Faith alone, is the original of all our Holinefland Spiritual life ? Thus, it appears by contraries : Contraries, have contrary Confequences. If the Law, and Juflification thereby, be no friend, weft. 2 Alfa?. I