of chrifl in all I3eleever.t. friend, but a real enemy unto all our Grace and Holinefre, then Juflification by faith alone is a friend to it. But now take theLaw, and you (hall find, that juftification thereby, is no friend , but a real enemyunto all our Holinefs, and the power of godlinefs. What greater enemies had the world ever to the power ofgodlinefs, than the Jews were ? and they fought toeftablifh their own Righteoufnefs, and tobe juftified by the Law. And now a dayes, What more bitter, & more fd enemy unto the power of godlinefs, than a Moral Civil man? Why ? Becaufe though hedo not un- derftand himfelf, yet he doth fecretly feek his acceptance withGod, by his own doing, and good meaning. Aman can never live to God,that lives in himfelf:So longas a man Peeks Jultification by his own doing, &working, he lives in himfelf. Therefore faies the Apoftle, I defire not tobefound Phil.3.9 in mine oron ughteoufneAtobefound in it.Hope is the Spring of a&ion. The Plow-man plowes in hope, & he fows in hope ; Hope is the Springof a&ion. Now if a man leeks to be juftifiedby the Law, or the works ofthe Law, there is no hope ; for all works are impede& : and if no hope, (faies the foul) why fhould I work? as good never a whit, as never the better. That cannot be the Principle of our grace and holinefs, which canneither Convert a man,nor mortifie his fins, nor quicken one to what is good , nor comfort, or free him from temptation. Now I pray, What is it that Converts a foul to Chrift ? is it the Law , or the preachingof the Law ? Nay, (faies our Savior) iwillfend Joh.16.9 the Comforter, and hePall convince the world offirs. But where do I receive the Spirit? Saies the ApoIlle in the next chap- ter, (the 3. of theGalatians) 0yefog*Galatians, this would Iknowofye, .Receivedye the Spirit by thepreachingofthe Law, or by the hearing ofFaith ? Not by the preaching of theLaw.. And as for Mortification offin : Can theLaw do that ? Nay, (faies the Apoille in the 8. ofthe Romans) The Law is weak: What the Lawcould not do, beingweak,Godfent his own Son, to condemnfin in theflefh. So that theLaw cannot mortifie fin, the Lawcannot do it. And as for our Qt2ickening unto what