ii z. Thegreat Gofpel-Myilery of the Saintscomfort andholinefi: David, heart quite round about. David fwore he would not leaveone ofthe houfe, and after .Abigail had interce- ded a little for Nabal, in the i ofSam. 25.3 2. verfe, David faid unto Abigail, Blefed be the Lord God ofIfrael, which fent thee this day tomeet me : and bidedbe thy advice, andbleffed be thou which hall kept me this day from coming to fred blood. Pray, what did Abigail fay, that thee turned David thus about, that her interceffion was thus powerful ? SalesAbi- gail, as for Nabal, he isaccording to his name. And itfhall come to pal; (at the 30. verfe)when theLorclfhall have done to my Lord, according to all the good that he bath oien concerning thee, andPallhave appointed thee ruler over Ifrael, that this fhall be no griefe unto thee, nor offenceofheart to my Lord, either that thou halffhed blood caufelefe, or that my Lord bath avenged himfelfe. This Thal be nogriefeat all unto thine heart Vales fhe) and other words that fhe ufed, by which fhe prevailedhere with David. But Abigail was a stranger toDavid : and Abigail fhe prayes, and intercedes for Nabal, a wicked, vile, foo- lifhman. Shall Abigail, a woman, a ftranger prevail thus with David for a Nabal? and fhall not the Lord jefus Chrift, theSonoftheFather, not a ilranger, nor a ftranger to his bofome, but beloved from everlafting, fhall not he prevailemuchmore, when hecomes, and pleads the caufe of theEleZt, and oftheChildren of God, in the prefence ofGod the Father, whom the Father loves alto? Great is the Rhetorick of a Child : ifa Childdo but cry, Father, efpecially ifthechild be a wifechild, he mayprevail much with a tender hearted father. The Lord Jefus Chrift, he is the Sonof the Father, and he is the Wifdomofthe Fa- ther too ; and God theFather is a tender hearted father : Oh! furely therefore, Powerful are the Interceflions of le- fus Chrift with God the Father. Secondly, Theprevalency ofChrifts Interceffions with the Father, will appear ' if we confider, The inclination, and difpofition, thatGod the Father bath, unto the fame things that Chrift prayeth , and intercedeth for. If a child fhould come, and intreat his father, in a matter that the