3Q Thespiritual life) and In-being 3 what is good ; Can the Law do that ? Nay, faies the A- poftle) The Law is a dead letter; and, the Law is the minifira- tion ofdeath : And can that which is a dead letter, and the m iniilrationof death, quicken us unto what is good ? cer- tainly it cannot. And as for our Temptations, and free- dom from them ; Does the Lawdo that ? Ye know, the A- poftle triumphs, WhoPall lay any thing to the charge ofGods JEled ? And who (hall lay any thing tomy charge ? shall theAnger, and Wrath of God ? (hall Satan, or mineown Confcience ? I will not be much affliEted (faies he:) why ? for,/t is God that jnflifies. He does not fay,for it is Miles that juflifies : but 'tis Chrift that died, and God juftifies, not Moles. Sampfon(ye know) found honey-combs in the bo- dy of the dead Lyon ; not in hives at horne,or trees abroad; but he found honey-combs in the body of the dead lyon. So does a poor tempted foul find all the honey-combs of comfort, in the body of thedead Lyonofthe tribe ofYudab, not in his own hive. I have read ofa certain man, that was much in prayer, fatting, and reading ; and the Devil came to him and told him,. Friend, Why doeft thou Pray fo much, and Readefo much, and Faft fo much ? 'tis all to no purpofe, for thou fhalt go toHell at the laff, thou (halt never go to Heaven : Saies he, As for that, I leave that to God ; it is not my Qoeftion, whether I (hall go to Heaven, or Hell : but my Quettion is, How shall I ferve God, and live to God? Had he now fought juftification in a wayof works,and by the Law ; could he have ever bin able to have anfwered to this temptation ? Ye may fee what theApoille faies, in the 7 . chap. ofhis Epifile to the Romans; he gives you a Similitude thus : As a wonsan ; forks the foul ofeve. ry. man : So long asa woman is married unto onenian,. fFe brings forth children untohim , andnot unto any other, but is dead unto all others : but when that man dies, the is free to marry; and the marries another, and the brings forth children onto him. Now faies the Apoftle ( at the 4. yeti: ) Wherefore my brethren, ye alto are become dead to theLaw by the body o fChrifl,thatyelbottld be married to another , even to him, who