Tine Spiritual life) and7n-being be the caufe of our Holinefs : then Jollification by faith a- lone muff needs be a friend unto it. For thefe Two, Free-re- miflionof fin, and juitiEcation by faith alone,go together, and are ordinarily taken for one. And therefore, in the 3. of theRomans, The Apoftle having Paid, ( at the 24. verfe) 13eingjuflified freely by biggrace ; he faies (at the 28. ver.) That a man is juftified byfaith: and faying,That a man is juflified by faith, he faies, That a man is juilified freely bygrace ; thefe are put together. Now, Free-remillion of fin, and the fence thereol,is the Caufeofal our Holinefs. Ye know what the Apothe faies, The grace ofGod loath appeared unto all men, teaching us to deny Vngodiinefi, and worldly lufls, and to live righteoully, and foberly in this prefent world. All Holinefs comes from thence, The apparition of grace, Free-remil- fion of fin. And ye knowwhat it is that doth hatch the Chicken : 'tis not the fire that does hatch the Chicken ; nor is it the cold water that does hatch the Chicken ; but lay- ingof theeggs under the warm feathers of the living Hen. Come to a man or woman that hathmany eggs that are yet not Chickens, within a month or two, thefe are al become living Chickens: Say you, How comes it to pats, that all thefe are now living Chickens ? What ! did you lay thefe eggs unto the fire ? No, for then they would have been roa- fted. What ! did you lay thefe eggs in the cold water? No, then they would have rotted ; but I laid them under the warm wings ofthe living Hen, and fo they arebecome chickens. So you come to a living fotal,a living heart, and you lay, Friend, how came you tobe thus enlivened, and quickned ? a month or two ago, I heard you complaining ofyour dead heart, Oh ! myheart is dead : but how came you to be thus enlivened, and to be thus quickned ? Did you go and lay your heart againft the fire ofthe Law ? No, that wouldhave fcorch'd me, and tormented me. What? did yougo and lay your heart in the cold world ? No ? that would have rotted me : How then ? Truly, after all niy fears, and after all my doubtings, I went and laidmy cold heart under thewarts wings of Divinelove, and fo it came