ofchrifi in all Bdeevers. 33 came to pafs that I am thus enlivened, and I am thus quic- kened, as you fee this day, for the which I bletre the Lord for ever. Three thingsthere are, that do makeup a gra- cious Converfation : Repentance for fin pail; Mortification of finprefent ; and the Obedience offaith, or Obedience. Now as for Repentance : look I praywhat is faid in the 7. Chapter of Luke, and fee what is the Cade of that : You reade there a Rory of a great, Sinner, that became a great Penitent, (at the37. verfe.) Behold a woman in the Ci- ty which was a great fanner ; andfhe came and flood behind ja- fus (at the 38. verfe) weeping, andbegan to wafb his feet with tears, and didwipe themwith the hairs ofher head. She wept much; why ? for (faies the text at the latter end of the Chapter) Ihe laved much. But why did the love much ? She loved much, becaufe much was forgiven her. So then, Remiffion isthe Caufe ofRepentance. And have ye not fo much exprefly, in that i6. Chapter of Ezekiel, and the laft verfe. I will eftabliP my Covenant with thee, that thou maiefi remember and be confounded, andnever open thy mouth a- ny more, becaufeofthyfhame, when 1 ampacifiedtowards thee, for all that thou hall done. So that,this thame, and repen- tance comes from pacification . And as for this matter, Luther had fo great a fight into it, that (faies he) before I was juftified by faith alone, and faw into this matter of Free-remiffion ; I look't upon that word, Repent, as a ter- rible word, 'did even hate that word ; and Iwitb't that there had been no fuch word in all the book ofard : but after once that word, jujiitia, was opened, the righ teouf- mireof faith ; and after once I underftood this DoEtrine of Free-remiflion, and Jufiification by faith alone, then I loved Repentance. As for theMortificationoffin: Ye knowwhat the Apoftle faies, Let notfin raign inyour mortal bodies, or have dominion Rom.6. overyou why forye are not under the Law, but under grace. 12.8c 14. So then, 'tisbeing under grace that does mortifie fin. And as for the matter of Obedience : Ye know what the Pfaimilt faies, There is mercy with thee, 0 lord, that thoumai- I Pfal.130 11 efi! 4