34 The Spiritual life, and In-being eft befeared : That is, that thou maieft be Served, that thou male 1. be Obeyed, So that, Obedience alfo, comes from the tight of mercy, and of Free-remi lion. Now, if Frce-remiffion and the fence thereof be the Caufeof our Holineffe, then furely, Juftification by faith alone, can be no Enemy, but mu[t needs be a real friend unto all our fpiritual life. Objeji. But by wayof Obje&ion, it will be laid, (In the Third place) This Boarine of Free.rernifilon, and Juftification by faith alone, teems to carryfomwhat with it, that is ()pp,. Fite unto Graceand Holinefs; for the more a man is bound unto the Law, and takes himfelfto be fo, the more obedi- ent he will be to the Law : but now, a man never takes himfelf more to be bound unto the Law, than when he ticks to be jaflified by the works ofthe Law, and fo he will be molt obedient. Anfrp. For Anfwer, Ye mutt know that the word Law, in the new Teftament is taken Two wales : Either it is taken for the Covenant ofWork!, thus : Ifyou keep the Ten Comman - dements perfe&ly, you fhall live for ever; this is the Cove- nant of Works ; Somtimes the Law is taken for the Ten Commandernents, the Rule ofmans life. In the firft fence a Chriftian isdead vnto the Law, and is freed from it :but in the fecond fence, a Beleever, a Juftified perfon, is more bound to the Law, to obferve it as a Rule of life, than ever he was. Onel y you mull know, there is a Twofold Band: There is thebond of Loves and there is the bond ofFear : as there is the Lawof Love; and the LawofFear. Love, and the bond of Love ; is ftronger than Fear, and thebond of Fear : for Fear is fervant to Love, Fear is the handmaid to Love ; for ye never Fear the lofing of any good thing, but what ye firft Love ; Fear is the fervant to Love, and therefore Love is ftronger than Fear, and the bond of Love fironger than the bond of Fear. Now though a fu tithed perfon be not bound unto the Law, with the bond of a fer- vile.Fear 5 yet he is bound unto the Law, with the bond of Love; and lb he is more obedient, as the bond of Love, is ftronger