of Chri in all Bekevers. fironger than thebond of Fear. Aman mull needsbe obe. client unto Chrift, that takes himfelf to be none of his own, but Chriffs. Therfore faits the Apoftle, GlorifyChriji witby, our body, becaufeye oe bought with aprice, andhecaufeye are Gods. So long as a man Leeks to be juftified byworks, and by the Law, fo long he looks upon himfelfas his own: but when a man fees that he is juftified by faith alone, then helooks upon himfelfas Chrifts ; that be is not hisown, and fo he is more obedient unto Chrift than ever he was be- fore. Secondly. Ifthis be fuch a principle ofGrace and Holi- nefs, How comes it topaffe, that men f n the more as they hear more of this Free-remigion, and jujiification of a poor finner by faith alone ? Oh !flies one, God is merciful, andgracious, and therefore Iwill now live as I lift, andrepent afterward: If this Dollrine, this Truth, and this Grace ofGod, be the Principle of all our Holinej? ; How comes it to pale, that men fin more hereby ? I pray, HowcomesIt to pafre, ifthat water docleanfe, that it cloth noecleanfe the Bfakmore ? and if fire do warm, how comes it to paffe , that it doth not put heat into the Dead man? and ifthe Sun do enlighten, how comes it to paffe,it doth not enlighten thofe that are blind ? I may ask you the reafon likewife : But I wit tel you the reafon ; the reafonofthis is, Becaufe men arecontrary unto God; and all that do make thisufe & application of theLords mercy and grace, they are contrary unto God; for God works good out of evil : Now a wickedman being contrary unto God, heworks evil out ofgood. God works the greateft good, grace, out of the greateft evilfin : a wicked man, he works the greatefFevil, fin, out Ofthe greateft good, Gods love andgrace. Why ? becaufe he is contrary toGod. But now, take this Truth,and this Grace of God, as it is in it felf, and fo it is a very real friend unto all our grace and holinefs. But in'the Fourthplace, You will fay then, What is a-ere in this juflifcation by faith alone, or Free-remit ion,that ekes ad- 1 -- TM . H a v awe