Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

36 The spirituallife) and in-being vanceour Holinefs' ? how corner it to pa e ? what is there in this, that hathfilch an influence upon our lives, tomake tus the more ho- y, the more heavenly ? rifw. Firth The more a man does forfake any good thing of his own for Christ, the more Chrift is engaged to give a man hisgood things. There is no toting, in lolling for Je- fus Chrift : what ye lac for Chrift, ye Thal gain by Chrift: And the greater,andTweeter any bleffing is that ye lore for Ch ill, the greater bidingwill Chrift giveunto ye in the room thereof. Nowwhat neerer thing is there to a man, than his own Righteoufnefs? In Juftification by faith a- lone, a man laies down al his own Righteoufnefs at the feet of Jefus Chrifi; and therfore Ch rift is engaged to give him a better Righteoufnefs, the Righteoufnefs ofGod. 2. Secondly. God does never caufe any man to parte under any Relation, but he does write the Law of that Relation upon his heart. For example, Ifthe Lord does caufe a man to paffe under the Relation of a Magiftrate : Godwil write the Law of that Relation upon him, and give him ability to it. IfGod doe caufe a man topain under the Relation ofa Minifier . God will write the Lawof that Relation on him. IfGod caufe a man to paffe under theRelation of a Husband, or a Father ;Godwill caufe the Lawofthat Re- lation to bewrittenupon hisheart. Nowwhen a man is juftified by faith alone, then he becomes the Son ofGod ; To as many as receive him, hegivespower to be called the Sons of God ; even to as many asbeleeve on his Name. John, 1.I 2. I fay When a man is juftified by faith alone, he becomes the Son ofGod, he paffes under that Relation ; therefore then does the Lord write the Law of that Relation of a Sonupon his heart, and thereby he is made more Son-like by his obedience. 3. Thirdly. The morea man does agreiwithGod and the Law, themore fit he is to walk withGod, and obierve the Law. when a man is juftified by faith, then he is agreed Amos3.3 with God : Can two walktogether,unlefs they be agreed ? Now when a man is juftifiedby faith, he is Reconciled to God; recon.