of delft in all Beleevers. 37 reconciled to the Nice ofGod; reconciled to theAnger of God ; reconciled to the Law of God, the Law is his friend. Now before a man was jufti4ied, the Anger ofGod was his enemy, and the 7uftice of God his enemy, and the Law his enemy ; but now being juftified , he is reconciled toGod : reconciled to his Anger ; that is fatisfied byChriit : recon- ciled to the Law; that is fatisfied, byChriff ; thus he is made a friend to God, he is agreed with God, and with the Law, and fo he can walk with God, and fo he is the 1110re.obe- dient. But Fourthly (and efpecially) thus : Asby Works, and feeking JuftificationbyWorks, a man is Eftated in the Cove- nant ofWorkf: So by Faith, and feeking juftification by. Faith alone, a man is Eftated in the Covenant of Grace.Wben a man is Eftated in the Covenant ofgrace, God is engaged to give grace unto him,tomake hire Holy. For that, I pray do but reade whatye have in that 36. Chapter of Ezekid,at the 25. verfe, and fo downwards : Then will IfPrinkle clean water uponyou, andye_Pall be clean : from allyour _lathing!, and from allyour idols will Icleanfiyou. A new heart alfo will Igive, you, and a newfitrit will' put withinyou, and Iwill tale away thefiony heart out ofyour fiefh, and Iwil giveyouan heart offlefla: AndI willput my Spirit withinyou, andcaufeyou towalkin my Statutes ; andye (hall keep my judgments anddo them. Firft, I pray mark here, That the Lord does promife. Rerniflion of fin, although it be never fo great: IwillPinqe clean water aponyou, andwahe from allyourfilthinef, andfrom allyour i- dolswil I cleanfiyou.But faies a poor doubting foul,Though the Lorddo thus wafh me, I am fo foule, and fo unclean, that I am afraid I thall never be cleanfed. Yes, (ales the Lord) I will fprinkle clean water upon you, andye Pall be ,clean. But though I be clean, and cleanfed from my guilt, and my fin pardoned.; yet notwithfianding, I have filch a naughty, filthy heart, as I (hall foul my fell again. See what follows, A newheart alfo will Igiveyou, and a new Ppirit will 'put withinyou. Oh ! but my heart is fo hard, like a {lone, that I (hall refill thismercy ofGod. Nay(faies he) Andt