Thespiritual life) and In-being ance, or Juftification ! for a man to turn afide to the Co- venant of Works. Objelt. You will fay, But when may a man be faid, for to drawhis own Worizs, or Duties intohis Acceptance with God the Father ? Or when may aman be laid, To turn afide to the Covenant of Works ? Anfry. Even godlymen do it too much. Abraham, though the father of the faithful,went into Hagar:Abe typeof the Law. And fonow the children of Abraham, (Beleevers) do too much go into Hagar fill, and to the Law fill. When a man cannot, dares not relye upon Jefus Chrift, till he firfi fees his own Duty, and his own Prayer, and Inlargment in Duty; then he does this too much. When a man does meafure all his Acceptance with God the Father, by his own Performance ; if I be Enlarged, then I am Accepted 5 if I am ftraightened, now I am not Accepted ; then he does this too much. When a man will not come to Chrift, till his heart be firfi quickened, and warmed by Come particu- lar word ; then he does this too much. But Oh ! you, you that are godly, labour I befeech ye in Chrifi, to hand clear from your own Duties, and Doings. The more di- flin$knowledge yehave in this Truth, and the more ye walk in the fence of it,themore. Spiritual and Holy yewill be. Object. a But will Come fay (that I may takeofffome fcruples,and anfwer Tome Cafes ofConfcience) If theft things be fo ; then do I fear that my Obedience was never right,for truly, Ihave even turned afide to a Covenant ofWorks, the Lord Ivow.f I have: .7 remember the time, when I had Ligal-breakings, andall my Obe- dience loathflowedfrom thence : Is Free-remiffian, and luflifica- tion by faith alone, thefountain andBring-head ofall our Obedi- ence, and Holinef; ? thenfeeing that Legal.brealqngs have been theffiring-head ofall my Obedience ; then do I fear my Obedience was never right ; Oh! Ifear that Ihavebeen wrongall this while, that I have been but an Hypocrite all this while, andhave decei- vedmyfelf, and been under the Law all this while. fw. Stay a little, You reade in Scripture concerning Jacob and