of chrifi in all Releever.r. 41 and Efau : 'tis Paid, That the Elder fhall ferve the Younger. That is (faies Luther) in a fpiritual way : the Elder, the Law, {hall ferve the Younger, the Goffiel : and the Elder Sin, fhall ferve the Younger Grace. Now, have your for- mer Legal -breakings, made you more for to prize Grace ? and to prizeChrifi ? and to prize Freeremiffion, and Juiti- ficationby faith alone? Here then, the Elder does ferve the Younger. Andwhat though Legal-breakings were firit, and were the Elder in your heart, yet fo long as the Elder does ferve the Younger, thou haft no reafon to be difcoura- ged in this refpeE}. Ifear that my Obedience and myHolinef 1 is not right ; becaufe it isfo little, and fofcant ; Free-remiffion thefountain of all our Helinef4 that is a full Fountain : and ifmy Holinefl were a fiream from that Fountain, it would be morefull and more abun- dant : The Jews, they knew little efthis Truth, Juflification by faith alone, andyet they were Holy; David holy, andMoles holy, andJofiah holy : is this the fountain of all our Grace, and of all our Holinef?, Freeremifflon andJuflification by faith alone? Then the more difiovery there is ofthis, the more Holy we fhould be : but alas, Ifind my Holinef?, and Obedience fofiant, and little, that lam afraid it can never come from fo fall a fountain at this is. Beloved ! There is nothing little between God and a gracious foul. There is nothing final that comes from God to you, becaufe it comes from an infinite God : There is nothing final that goes from a gracious foul untoCoda- gain, becaufe it comes from an infinite defire of pleafing God. It is one thing to be more in the Shell, and ano- ther thing to be more in the Kernel. Luther profefres, that when hewas a Met+ (ask feems by his writings he was fif- teen years in a Cloyiler.) Safes he, When I was a Menke, I was a great deal more Holy then, according to the out- ward appearance, than I am now : then I Prayed, and then I Faft ed, and then I Macerated my body, and then I went meanly ; but your I Eat, and I Drink , and I Cleat!, my felt as others do ; and yet nowone little Prayer, is more accep- I Gen.2 5. 3 Objelf. z /Infra..