x. The Spiritual life) and In-being ted with God, than all my fifteen years Prayers before : why ? becaufe (faies he) then 1 prayed in a way of Works,: and fought judification in a way ttt.: Works but now I have had a talle of this Jullification by faith ;lone, and a little from thence is more pleafingunto theLord, then all I the fifteen years before. But who ever you are, that make this Obje&ion, Give me leave to propound thefe Two g_ieflions to you. Hi ft, Whereas you fay, It is little, and thereforeyou fear it cannot come from fo full a fountain : Doefi thou dint,or limit thy felt in thyObedience, or in thy Holinefs? Aman that feeks to be julkified, and faved by his working, he does flint, and limit himfelf : I have enough (faies he) for to bring me to heaven, and what need I more ? a great many are veryprecife, and firi&, but I praife the Lord ,I have enough for to bring me to heaven, and what need I more ? So he dints, and limits himfelf. And I have been Weeping, and Mourning enough for to get forgtveneffe, and the Lord now hath forgiven me,and what need I more? Thus he flints, and limits hirnfelf, becaufe he is under the Law, and under a Covenant ofWorks. Again, Though your Obedience as you think is very little, and very fmal : Do you oppofe thole that have much ? do you oppofe thole that have the power of god- liners ? and thofe that have more than your felf? A man that leeks judification by, Works, he does oppofe thole:men that' ave more Holinefs than hindelf. SeeI pray, how it was with the Jews in that 9. of the Bomaris,and the 3 I. verf. Beall-mei which followed after the Law ofrighteottfnefl, bath not attained to the Law of righteoulnefe : Wherefore .? Te:aafe they fottglit it ngt by faith, bat -f it were by the work, of the Law : for de, fiennbled at that fiarabliag flone. They fumbled at Chris, they fumbled at Chrillianity, they ilumbled at the corner done. And fo now, Mtral and Civil men, that leek acceptance (though they do not underiland rho-naives) in a way ofworking ; they oppofe thole that are more godly that have the powerof godlinefs. But ye know) a fpark of