in all Bekevers. 43 offire, though it bebut a (park of fire, it will not oppofe the flame ; though it be 11,0t fogreat as the flame, yet it will not oppofe the flame ; it opposes the water, but it cloth not oppofe the thine of fire. Andlo, if a man have grace, though it bebut a (pack of grace, yet notwitbrianding, it be in truth, it will not oppotea 'flame : but now Civil and 114orai men, that walk In a way of works, and areun- der the Law ; Oh Ihow do they oppofe thole that have the power ofgodlinefs that have more grace than thernfelves! that are in a flame forCbrill! them they fowith you that make this CbjeAlon ? Ch! No, i praife the Lord (your foul will fay, if it (peak in trah)`though I have but little, the Lord knows, I do not oppofe them that have much : I rejoyce rather in thole that have more than olY4 felf , yea, I re;oyce in thofe that have the power of goti-: lineffe. And Lord thou knoweft, I do not flint, and li- mit my felf : Oh I can never be godly enough, and I can never Repent enough, and I can never mourn for my fins e.. nought Well, be of good comfort, this maybe noother flream, then what flows from this blefled fountain, Free- remitlion, and Juilificationby faith alone. Thirdly. Will tome fay, " I fear that upon all this ac. "count, my Cbedience, and my Holinefs is not right ;for "Ido not find thevifible Charafters of Juflification, upon "my fantlification juflification by faith alone , is the "fountain of all our Holinefs ; Then if my obediencewere. "right, it would taft ofmy Juilification,and of Free-rernif- "Eon, ifmy Holinefs were right, it y,Tould favourof Free. crernifEon : but I do not find any vifibleCharaaer of Tu- "flification,uponmy Santtifieation; '1 donot find that my "San&ificationdoes reluh,or favour of Free-rerniffion,or "Juitification by faith alone, & therfore I fur alit naught, "my obedience haAnbeennaught arrd wrong all this while. For anCwer to this. Know,yenot, (beloved ) That a trans juflification may be hidden from fence, when San &ification is in truth ? Know ye not, That the life of grace is a hidden life ? not only hidden from the world but hid- 12 den ObjeEi. 3 -Apr.