44. The Spirituallife, and in-being den from ones own (011ie, many times ? "But what are thole Vifiole CharaEters of Juilification, "which are engraven upon a mans SanEtification, fo that "when a man does fee them,he may fay, here is a c'SanEtification, that is no other, than that which flows "from Free-remillion 3, and Justification by Faith a- " lone? Firft. When a man does mourn for his fin, becaufe it is pardoned; does not this repentance favour ofFree-remilli- on ? When a man does obey the Lord, becaufe God hath pardoned and forgiven him does not this SanEtificati- on then favour of his Junification, and of Free-remif- ? 2. Secondly. When there is a meeting ofall graces, and onegood work,and duty, and grace, is reconciled to ano- ther ina mans life ; is there not then a taft,and a favour of "unification and Free-reminion ? When the Lord does ja- ftifie a poor finner, thenat the Attributes ofGod are recon ciled tooneanother; Jullice is reconciled to Mercy; and Mercy is reconciled to Juftice: and all thefe reconciled At- tributes oftheLord,do meet upon the foul ofa juitified per- fon : and accordingly,there is a meetingof all graces in the foul,and all good works, andgraces,they are reconciled to one another : That whereas beforea man was juitified, they were at ods, at a diftance one from another, andwere ini mititions one to another; now theyare not. Whereas be- fore a man was junified, he couldnot rejoyce in God, but it hindred his mourning for fin ; andhe could not mourn for fin, but it kindred his faith; and he could not beleever but his beleevinghindred his repentance. But now,when a man is junified,and reconciled'to the Lord, then all thole- Works,Duties, and Graces,are reconciled to one. another. Why ? Becaufe the Attributes of God are reconciledunto one another, and all the Attributes ofGod,theymeet upon the heart ofa junified perfon, and fo there are the Chara- aers of his 'unification upon his SanEtication here. And I appeal toye, who ever you are that labor under this fern-