Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

ofdrift in all Beleevers. 45 pie, Is it not thus with thy foul in truth ? Do not you find it thus ? That nowyou look upon the very juilice of the Lord,as your friend, the ludice, and Righteoufnefs of the Lord as your friend ? That now ye are reconad (as it were) to thole Duties, that heretofore you looked upon as your Enemies? That now you refl upon the Lord Chaff, that you may be Obedient; and your very refting upon Chrift,makes you obedient? your verybeholding of Chrift, changes you from glory to glory : as the Apolile (peaks. It 2Cor.3. you would (peak in truth from your foul, you would fay IS thus ; Lord I thus 'tis with me : Now I. am reconciled to that Duty that before was an enemy to me, and now thefe Workes, Duties, and Graces are reconciled : for now, the more I can rejoyce in God, themore I can mourn for fin ; and the more I Beleeve, the more I can Repent : Heretofore, the more I Beleeved, the leffe I Repented, my Beleeving was my Security ; but now I fee thefe works, and Duties, are friends to one another,that now, the more I Repent, themore I Beleeve ; and the more I Beleeve, the more I Repent, all thefe works are reconciled in me. And Lord, thou that knoweft all things, knowefi, That there- fore I grieve for my fins, becaufe thouhail pardoned them : and therefore I defire to obey thee, becaufe thouhall forgi- ven me. Well then, here are theVifible CharaEters of thy jollification, upon thy San&ification, And therefore be of good comfort notwithtlanding this Obje&ion. Only let me tell thee this : It may be thou haft-not flood' enough at a difiance from thy own Doings, and Duties, as to the matter of thy Acceptance with God. But, would you be more Spiritual, and Holy in your lives ? labour more and more, to !land at a difiance from all your Duties and Doings, as to thegreat matter ofyour Acceptance with God the father. But you will fay, Suppofe that /havenotflood clears from my owns Doings as to the matter of my juflification, or Acceptance with God the Father ; what Pall Ido, that now Imay flandclear in shit matter ? thatfo thisfountain, ofFree-retniffion, andYufli- fication