Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

I. The. spiritual iife, etnd in-being firariottby faitb41'one, may he opened upon my foul, andmy Spiri- tual life thereby, may be more inlarged, and increafed ? Some things by way of Anfwer to this, and fo I have done. Firfi, Ee ye humbled in the fight and pretence ofthe Lord, that you have walked in that way, that you have tied Jefus Chrift unto your conditions, and'that you have made ufe ofChrift, only to eek out your Performance, as to the matter ofyour Acceptance. Secondly, Study much the TranfaCtions of things be- tween God the Father and jefus Chrift. And then you will find, That jefus Chrift had fatisfied God the Father, before ever you came into the world : and therefore your fouls when you thinkofthis will fay, How therefore can my Work, or my Duty, any way bring in Satisfa&ion, or Acceptance with God the Father. Study (I fay) the Trani-. aEtions between God the Father and jefus Chrift. 3 Thirdly, Acquaint your foul much, with the difference between the Covenant of Works, and the Covenant of Grace. In theCovenant ofWorks,a mans Work is fira dc- cepted,and then his Perfon : But in the Covenant ofGrace, a mans Perfon is fira accepted, and then his Work. And when you underftand this, then you will fay, I, ifthis be true, That a mans Perfon is fira accepted, and then his Work, How can my Work any way fetch tne in acceptance with God the Father 0my foul, for ever hand clear in this great matter of my Acceptance in my Duties. Fourthly, when ever your Duties, your Works, and your Graces, are Highea, then, and then efpeciany,ufe thy foul to be beyond them ; and fay thus : Though now (I blefre theLord) my heart is thus and thus Inlarged, yet I do not count upon my Acceptance, by reafon of this in- la rgment. Though (I bleffe the Lord) I have now Prayer. that before had none yet I do not count my Acceptance with God the Father by this Prayer. When (I fay) thy Duty is Hi gh fe thy foul to be beyond it. 5. f ifthly, When your Duty, Grace, and Holinefs is low- eft,