Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

of Cbrift in all Beleevers. 47 ...,** ett,then know, that now ye have an opportunity to thud clear from your. own Dade Si and Workings, as to the mat- ter ofyour Aeeeptance, and juflification by faith alone. If Ifita,ve a friend in my hcafe, that lives in my houre with me, whornI would not have privy unto a Work, or a bufi - nefs ; PIe take the opportunity to do the Work, when that friend is out ofdoors : now (fay I) he is abroad ; ifhe were at home, he would be prying over my fhoulder, and he would have a finger in the bufinefs, and he would fee it ; 'but now he is abroad, now I will take the time to do it. Mybrethren, your Duties, Prayer, and Humiliation, they areall friends to your juitification : but when Prayer is lout, and Duty is out, and abroad, and out offight, and ',not at hsme; Now take your time to beclear in the matter <of rfaing,uponChrift alone, an4:1"ay,; Ni)VA ,IrirPfAyor,1* lfie,.ind Duties gone, and allout of fight, Oti! Lord, now I have an opportunity to reit upon Chrift alone : had flay Prayer beenat home, and Dutiesat home ; they would have been peering, and prying into this Work, but now they are all out °flight, now I will reit upon Chrift, and his righteoufnefs alone. This is certain, that this Juftifica- . tionby faith alone, and Free-remiflion of a poor firmer, ''tis thegreat fountain and principle of all our Grace and Holinefs : and therefore, if you would be more Gracious, andmore Holy ; I befeech ye in the Nameof Chrili, Rudy lit much, and walk in the fence ofit. And what's the rea- Ton, that many Profeffors are no more Holy, and Humble; but wafpilb, and peevith, and harth, and of a rugged difpo 'fition ? but becaufe they have not ftudied the Gorpel more, anct Free-remiflion, anelJuitika-tiPt! brfaith and: they havengt,the,2fenic;Otthis41Pon. their heartS Pobr fouls, you want the Experience of this : you think (fomeof you) there is no filch way to be Holy, and Gracious, as to have Legal-breakings,to have the Law preft upon you but I do here tell you in the Name of the Lord, and I lie riot, That ju flification by faithalone, and Free-remiffion, is the principle of all our Obedience, and all our Holincfs. And , when f