of chrfi in ail:Weevers. 49 MAAPAMAMVAMAAAAMAMMA opfg-mr ftr-(Nr. `ivy SERMON III. GALA riAN S) 2 part of the 20. verf: Neverthetels" I live) yet not') but Chrifi liveth in me. AA HE ApoIlle Paul, having fpoken of our Do. living to God, in the former verfe : °four .ocr 1"piritual life, in thofe words, let now I T ao" live. He proceeds unto the Properties of 410-e Dow P 4fA gsg..aes.thisfpiritual life; and thofe are Three. Firft, It is a Self-denying life Yet not I. I live, yet not I. Secondly, It is a Chrifl- advancing life : But liveth in me. Thirdly, It is, The life ofFaith And the life which Dive intbefiefh, I live by the faith ofthe Son ofGod. I begin with the Firfl at this time, in thofe words, Yet not I. Thewords hold forth a Self-Depreffion, or Self-Anni- hilation. The words are fpoken in thePerfon of a Beleever. So that in all thefe I's: I through the Law ; and I am cruci- fied; and, I live; Paul cloth perfonatea Beleever, one that leeks juilification by faith alone , according to the tenure of the Gofpel. And fo the Obfervation is this. Every true Beleever, that feels jullification by faith alone, is an Humble, Self-Denying perfon ; denying himfeif in Spi- ritual things. The way ofthe Gofpel, is a Self-denying way. Though a Beleever, that feeks Juflification by faith alone, and not K by Preached at Step- ney. Jul, rd. 1648. I.