Thegreat Gorpel-Myllery oftbe Saints comfortand holine: Thirdly, This will appear air°, if we confider, upon what termes our Lord and Saviour Chrift, our great High- Prieff, was taken, and admitted intoHeaven, the Holy of Holieft : fo called. He was Honourably received into Heaven, and he ws received thither, for to do the work of the High-Prieft. He was Honourably received when he came to Heaven : Sit thou down at my right band (faies God the Father to him) a note of Honour. When Solomon would expreffe his Honour to his mother, he fet her down at his right hand. Thus God the Father would expreffe the Honourable welcome that Chrift had when he came to Heaven : Sit thou down on my right hand (faies he.) Now ye {ball obferve, that whenCoever this is made menti- on of, The fitting down at the right hand of God the Fa- ther; it is made mention of, not with the Kingly Office of Chrift, but with the PrieftlyOffice ofChrift : as if that he were fet down there, to do the workoft he Priefily Office: One would think (I fay) that this fhould be expreft with the Kingly Officeof Chrift : but you {hall find it running along in the Scripture, fill with the Priefily OfficeofJefus Chrifi. Look into the 8. Chapter of the Hebrews, the . verfe. Nowof the things which we have rpoken, this is the (tun : We havefuch an High-Priefl, who isfet on the right band ofthe Throne, ofthe Majefl, in the Heavens. It's named with thePriefily Office. And fo again, in the r o. Chap- ter ofthe Hebrews, at the i i. and 12. verfes. Every High- Priefl fiandeth dayly minifiring, and offering often times the fame facrifices, which can never take away fin : But this man, ((peaking ofChriti) after he badoffered onefacrificefor finsfor ever, fate down on the right hand of God: It is carriedalong: with the mention ofthe Priefily Office of Chrifi : as if he were fate down on the right hand. of God the Father in Heaven, on purpofe todo the work of the Priefily Office. When jefutChrift came into Heaven, into the HolyofHo. lieft, he came thither as our great High-Prieft 5 and he faid unto God the Father ; Lord,- I am not now 'come in mine own name, formyown fake onlyibut I come ai the great