Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Thespiritual life) and In-being by the Works of the Law, does live a fpiritual life, and fo does aa, move, and work towards God : yet he cannot endure to write an I, upon his own Performance. Yet not I. He will Obey God : but he will not have an I, to be written upon his Obedience. He will Pray to God : but he will not have an L to be written upon his Performance. Yet not I. I live, yet not I. Where ever the Gofpel comes in Power, it does work this Self-denying frame of foul and fpirit. And thus it was with Paul, in regard of his own Perron, asye reade in the I cor. r5. chapter, (peaking with relation unto the other Apoilles (at the to. verfe) labouredmore abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me. I labolfred more abundantly than theyall, yet not I. I havebeen a Preacher ofthe Gof- pel, and have been a means to convert many fouls unto Je- fus Chrift ; Yet not I, but the graceof God with me.' I have comforted many Affiiaccl fouls ; yet not I. I have been a means to plant many Churches ; Yet not I, but the grace of God with me. He will not have his work defil'd with Self, or this Ito be written upon what he doth. And fo it is with every Beleever, more or lefts; this is the way, and this is thefpirit of the Gofpel : where it comes in Lire, Truth, and Power, thus it is. For the clearing of this great Truth unto you. Firft, I than fpend a little time in the Explication, and thew ye, What it is for a man to deny himfelf in fpiritual things. Secondly, I fhall labor to give you forne Dernonflrations of the Truth. Thirdly, Anfwer One Obiettion. And Fourthly, thew ye, What there is in the Gofpel, or the wayoftheGofpel,that canwork apans heart to this frame. Firft, If aske me, What it is fa a man to deny himfelf in Spiritual things? Ye know, that thee is a Threefold Self mentioned by Divines. ANatural Self: as, amans Parts, Wit, Reafon, Will, Affe&ions, and Inclination , are called ones Self. Then there is a Sinful Self : and fo a mans Corruption, Lull, and Sinful Difpofition, is called onesSelE And then there