Chrifi in all Beleevers. 51 there is a Religious Self : and fo a mans Duties, Graces, O- bedience, Righteoufnefs , and Holinefi , are called ones Self. Now though a man is to deny all thefe ; yet I am not at this time to fpeak ofthe Common-place of Self-De- nial, this Scripture does not lead me to it : but only of Self-Denial in pirituakhings, Denial of Religious Self. There is a great difference between a mans denying of his Sinful, andof his Religious Self. When a man does deny his Sinful Selffor Chrift; then he is wholly to leave, and forfake his fin, and that Self. Butwhen a man is to deny his Religious Selffor Chri ; he is not to leave, and for- fake his Duty : only, in point of Juftification, he is to re- nounce all ; and in point of Sanftitication, he is to attri bate the ftrength, the power, and the gloryofall his Gra- ces, and Duties, unto Jefus Chrift, and to himfelf nothing: and when a man in point of Juitification, does renounce all 5 and in point of Sanaification , does attribute the ftrength, the power, and the gloryof all unto Jefus Chrift, and untohimfelfnothing 3 then hedenies himfelf in Spiri- tual things. For there is a Two-fold denial ofones felf, even in Spi- ritual things. One that is oppofed to Self-SeeVIng: And another that is oppofed to Self-Advancing. When a man leeks himfelf, he makes himfelf his End : When 4 man does Advance himfelf, he makes himfelfhis Prey. Now though a man be to deny himfelf in oppofition to all Self- Seeking; yet that is not the Argument that lies here, it is not theArgument ofthis Scripture ; but a man is called upon by this Scripture, to deny himfelf in oppofitiou to Self-Advancing I live, yet net I, but Chrift lizetb in me. Put yet again, (that wemay rightly underftand things) Though every Beleever is to deny himfelf in fpiritual things, and fo to deprefs himfelf; yet notwithftanding, he is not to fpeak evil of the grace of God within him. For, thereare Two things in every Duty,or Service. There is fomething of Gods; 8t fomethingof a mans own,: fome- thing ofthe Spirit of God,fomthingof a mans, own. Now though