Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

:tell. Anftv. The Spiritual life, and In-being though a man may trample upon all his Duties, and upon all his Graces, as to the point of juftification ; yet as to thepoint ofSanEtification, he may not milcal the Graces ofGod in him, and his Duties, faying, Thefeare nothing but the fruits ofHy pocrify ; for then he ;Would (peak evil ofthe Spirit, whole works they are. Aman tramples, and 1 treads upon the Dirt ' but he will not trampleupon Mo- ney', upon Gold and qiiar ; why ? becaufe that is a preci- ous mettti,or hada the ftamp, or the image of the Prince up- on it. Now, our own Duties, our own Righteoulnefs,and Holinefi, as to the matter ofjultification, theyare nothing worth, and fo we trampleupon all : but as to the matter ofSanetification,theyhave the image ofGin& upon them, they are precious naettal ; and therefore, for a man to fay, This is Hypocrite, and all is nothingbut Hypocrifie ; this is not Self-Denial : properly , Self-Denial in Spiritual things is ; as to the matter ofjuftification, to renounce all; and as to the matter of San&ification, to attribute the ftrength, the power, and the glory ofall, unto Jefus Chrift and to ones felf nothing : and when a man does attribute all the flrength, the power, the gloryofall to Jefus Chrift, and to himfelf nothing ; then he is laid to deny hitnfelf in Spiritual things. This byway of Explication. but now, Secondly, Whereby may it appear that the Gotel works this grace in the heart ofman ? Ifthe Law, and the preaching of the Law cannot make a man to deny himfelfin Spiritual things, then the Gofpel mutt do it : for this grace is to be obtained, and found fome where, fomething mutt work it. Now the Law,and the preachingofthe Law, can never make a man to Deny himfelfin Spiritual things ; but rather it will make a man to Seekhirdelf in Spiritual things : For, what is it to preach the Law : but when I (hall come from God, and tell ye, That ifye do keep the Ten Commandements, and fail in nothing ; ye (hall be Saved : but ifye fail in any one point ye (hall be Damned, and loft for ever : This will not make a man toDeny his own Righteoufnefs, but rather to See hhnfelf