Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

of chrifi in all Bekevers. himfelf, his own, Salvation, to avoid Damnation, and leek himfelfin Spiritual things. But now, when I come W ye, and fpeak thus unto ye from the Lord, That if you do throw down all your own Righteoufnefs, at the feet ofChrift, and reit only upon him ; ye fhall be Caved : this will make a man to deny all his own Righteoufuels, and deny himfelf in Spiritual things : and this is the Gof- pel. And the Gofpel mull needs do it. For, what is the Gofpel ? but the VoyceofChrifl, the Preachings, and the Sermons ofChrifl Now look as it was with the firft Adam ; the firft leffon, that the &ft Adam did learn, pra- &ice, and teach his pofterity, was, To Advance hirnfelf in Spiritual things. The day that thou eatelt (faits Satan to Gen.3.5, him) thou(halt not die ; but thine eyes Pall be opened, and thou jbalt be as God. Which he beleeved, and did eat, and fo laboured to Advancehimfelf inSpiritual things The firfl 'effort ,that ever he learn'd, and taught his poilerity, was, to Advance himfelf. So the fecond Adam ; the &ft leffon tharever the Second Adam (Chrift) put in pra &ice, was Self-Denial in Spiritual things. For (Thies the Apoffle) Phil. 2. He thought it no robbery to be equal with God, andyet bumbled hirnfilfunto the form ofa fervant, and became ofno reputation. 6,7, This was the firft thing. Now (I fay) the Gofpel is no- thing elfe, but the Voyce ofChrifI, the fermons, and Prea things of lefus Chrifl the Second Adam., and there, and thereonly, is this leffon to be learned. Secondly. Every Gorily, Gracious man , that lives 2. under the Gofpel , Is of a fpirit, and difpofition con, trary to the world. This is the difpofition oldie world, To write an I upon what theydo. Ye knowwhat that proudKing faid, Have not Ibuilt this great Babel, for the ho- Dan. 4. nor of my Majeflie ? have not I built it ? And ye know 30. what the Legal-Pharifie faid, Lard, I thanktbee, that I am Luke,18. not as other men ; no Extortioner, and the like : I faa, T pray, I 1,2L. Igive ,z1me.r. He writes an I upon what redoes. Now the fpirit of a Beleever is contrary ; and though a Eeleever fay, I pray, yet he will bite that I in again, and he will fay, 53