Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

54 The Spiritual life, 041n-being fay, yet not I, but the grace of God within me. He is of a difpofition contrary unto, that of the world, and there- fore cannot write an I upon what he does. 3. Thirdly, EveryGodly, Gracious man, that liveth un- der the Got-pa ; is very tender of trenching upon, or do- ing any thing contrary to Gods Prerogative, unto Chrifts Prerogative. This is the Prerogative of God, ofChrift, to write an I upon what he does. I create the fruit of the lips, a.5 9. peace, peace, faiesGod. I, even I am he. So in many pla- 19. ces. Go (faies our Saviour Chtiti) tell thatfox Herod, that .1fa.43. I workto day, and to morrow. This is thegreat Prerogative 25. of God, and of Chria, for to write an I upon what they do. Now Beleevers, they arc very tender of doing any thing 3' that may intrench upon Gods Prerogative, and therefore they cannot write an I upon what theydo, but deny them- felves in Spiritual things. 4. Fourthly. The more truly any man does Repent, the more fenfible he is of his own Unworthinefs, and fo the more Self-denying in Spiritual things. Ye know how it is with the Prodigal in the Parable, when he comes home, Luke faies heupon his return, I will go unto my father, and]: will , 5 fay, Iam not worthy to be called thy fon, make me at one ofthy hi- 18319. redfervants. In my fathers houfe there isbread, and I'le gohome, and be contented to be one of my fathers hired- fervants. Before he went out, no Room in his fathers houfe wasgood enough for him ; but nowupon hisrettun, any room in his fathers houfe is good enough. Before he went out, No Diet, no meat and drink in his fathers houfe would ferve his turn, but away he goes : but now in his return,In my fathers houfe there is bread enough (faith he) And let me beas one ofthy hired feruants. Thus fenfible of his own unworthynefs, and with felf deniall. Why ? becaufe now Repentance had taken hold on, his heart. Well, the more therefore aman does Repent, the more fen- fible he is ofhis own unworthynefi, and the more he will deny himfelf in Spiritual things. But I pray what is it that does cattle true Repentance ? Is it theGape'? or is it the Law ?