of Chrifi in allPeletters. Law? Nay, not the Law, but the Gofpel. Ye knowwhat John laid, ye know what our Savior laid, and ye know what the Apofile laid (for they all preach the fame things, the fame words) Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. They do not fay, Repent, for the kingdom of Hell is at hand ; repent, Or ye flail be damn'd : but, repent, for the kingdom of Grace, Mercy, and of Free-remifflon is at hand. So that it is the Gofpel that does work Repentance, and therefore it is the Gofpel, and theGofpel only, that does make a man fentibleofhis own unworthinefs, and to deny hirnfelf in fpiritual things. But it will be Ob;eEted now, (in the Third place) How Jane, That the Gogoel only worlds this ? for, have we not heard, and have we not read,That many Moral-men, Heathen-men, and divers Papifis, that have written much, andflon much for Hu- mility, and Self-Denial; yea, andhave gone veryfar in the pra- (lice of it ? How therefore, Jay ye, That this is only the workof theGo#el?that this only is wrought where the Gofpel conies inpower in the heart of a Beleever, thatfeels juffification by faith alone ? For Anfwer, I grant ye that the very Heathen, Papiffs, and Moral- men, have fpoken much, and written much, concerning Humility, and Self-Denial : and have fiemel togo far in the praaice of it. I have read of fo me Papills, that have been fo abftenious, that theyhave gone upand down from one Tavern toanother, and fromone Felt ft to another; and when Men have been Eating and Drinking liberally, theyhave fate down, abiteining from all Meats and Drinks, prefenting themfelves as patterns of Self-De- nial in the point ofappetite. And indled, we reade of ThreeDegrees, that the more moderate Papills domake of SeIf-Denial, and Humility. The firft Degree (faies Granatenfis, and divers others) is,for a man to acknowledge, That all comes fromGod, and no- thing from himfelf. The Second Degree of Humility is, to acknowledge, That whatfoever a man hath fromGod, he bath it not from Merit, but from Grace, and meer Mer- cy. TheThird Degree of Humility or Self-Denial is, for a,mari Obje17.