Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

The spiritual life) and In-being a man, To be Eagle-eyed, and quick lighted, in beholding another mans excellency ; but Mole-eyed, and not feeing his own Excellency. Even thus far the Papifts. So that I grant, men may feem togo very far herein. Fut I fpeak of Self-Denial in Spiritual things : and do we reade of Mo- ral, Heathen men, and the like ; that do deny themfelves, (it may be in Words, but I fay, in Pra&ice) that do Deny, or have Denyed themfelves in Spiritual things ? t Take a Moral, Civil man ; and though he may item to be very Humble, and Deny himfelf; yet he is proud ofhis Humility. Sales one F. hilolopher, when he came unto Plato's houfe, and fa w his houfe ile very neat : I trample upon Plato's pride (fides he :) Put Plato an fwered again, Not without your own pride. But now, take a Peleever, and he Both not only Deny hi mfelf, but is fenfible ofhis- own pride, when he is molt Humble , in that very thing wherein he is Humble. 2. Again, Take a Moral, Civil man ; and though he may feem to be very Humble, and to Deny him/elf; yet it is but in this or that particular thing Put now, a Beleever ni/.3.8. Denies himfelf in All. /count A L L things but dung, and drofsn(faies the Apoftle) for Chg.. 3. Again, Take a Moral, Civil man ; and though he fee to be very Humble, and to Deny himfelf; yet notwithlian- ding, it is but the Artifce of his Reafon, and his R efolu- tion. If I go on in Inch and fuel] a way (faies he) I fhall be undone ; and therefore I mull denymy Pelf of this Com- pany, and of this Pleafure ; and fo by the ftrength of his Reafon and Refolution , he does Deny himfelf. But now, a Beleever, a Chriflian, he denies himfelf in Spiritu- al things, by the beholding ofJefus Chrift. 4 Again, Take a Moral, Civil man, though he may feem to be Humble, and Denie himfelf ; yet there is no My fierie, no Spiritual Myfierie in his Self-Denial : In Cofpel-Self- denial there is, the Gofpel does 'work My fierion fly 'like it felf,it is the great Myfterie.Take a Chriftian,a Feleever,& I pray, do but obferve alit:tie:What a great NIy fierie there is in