Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

of chrifi in all Beleevers. 57 in all his Humilitie, and Self-denial, wrought by the Gof- pel. As thus: He ever criesout What fhall I do to be faved ? what fhall I do tobe Caved ? Andyet he profeffes, That he does not expe& to be faved by Doing. Here's a Myfterie! Again, He counts hitnfelfleffe than the leaft of all Gods mercies : And yet he thinks God hath done more for him, than ifhe had given him all the world. Here's a My- aerie I Again, He prizes every Dude, andevery Gift, and every Gracealthough it benever Co fmall 5 prizes it aboveall the world : Andyet he counts al but dung and drofs in regard of Chritt. Here's a Myfterie! Again, He looks upon himfelfas the greateft finner,and thinks ofeveryone better thanhimfelf: And yet whenhe looks upon a Drunkard,ora Swearer,or the like ; profefres that he would not change his condition with him for al the world : He looksupon himfelf as thegreateft (inner, and thinks ofevery one better than himfelf ; and yet he faies concerning fuch and fuch, hewould not change his condi- tion with themfor al the world. What a Myfterie is this ! Again, He mourns under Reproaches, and theDefpi- fingsof men : Andyet he triumphs over them,and is above them. Here's a Myfterie I Again, He counts himfelfnothing, and all that ever he does nothing : And yet he praifes the Lord forevery little, and thinks that God hath done more for him , in giving himChrift,than if he had givenhim all the world. Here's a Myfterie ! Now, as for the feeming Humility, and Self-denial,that is in Heathen,or Moral , Civil men, there is none of this Myftery : but there is aSpiritual Myfterie that runs along in the veins of all this Gofpel-Humility, and Self-de- nial. But ' fpeak of Self-Denial what Moral, Civil man, does things? I remember one makes L in Spiritual things : and deny himfelf in Spiritual mention ofa certaingodly Dies Lu- man, Pam