Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

chrifi in all Beleevers. 59 ifIfay IamperfeCt itfhall al f o prove meperverfe. Verfe the 2 . Though Iwere perfea, yet would I not know my foul : I would deff3ife my life. Then at the 3o. verfe. If I wafh my fell with fnow water, andmake my hands never fo clean : yet (halt thou plunge mein the ditch, andmine own clothesfhallabhor me. But whence did all this Self-Denial in Spiritual thingsproceed now ? Ifyou look into the former part of the chapter, ye (hall fee, that job had a meat profpea of the glory ofGod. kipla, it it fo ofa truth : but howfhould man bejuft withGod ? verfe the 2. Ifhe will contendwith hint, he cannot anfwer him. God it wife in heart, and mighty infirength: verfe the 4. Then verfe the 5. Which removeth the mountains, and they k!zow not : which overturneth them in his anger. Which fhaketh the earth out ofher place, andthe pillars thereoftremble. Which comman- deth the Sun, and it rifeth not : andfealeth up the Stars. Which alonePeadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waver of the Sea. Which matfett,' ArCturus, Orion, andPleiades, and the chambers ofthe South. Which dotbgreat thingspigji findingout, yea , and wonders without number. And now having this profpeEt of the Greatnefs, and Glory of the Lord, he De- nies his own Righteoufnefs, Denies himfelf in Spiritual things. And ye know how it was with the Prophet /rajah, in the 6. chapter, and the 5 . verfe. Thenfaid I, Wel is me, for I am undone: becaufe I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwel in the midfl ofa people ofunclean lips. Wo is me, I am undone, a man ofunclean lips. But flay, 0 thoubided Prophet, thou art agreat, andhallbeen a great Preacher, a Gofpel Preacher : yea, thouarta Prophet. Well (faies he) yet, Wo is me, for I am undone, I am a man ofunclean lips. Why ? what's the matter? (At the latter end of the verfe)for mine eyeshaveleen the King, the Lordofhofis. And ifye look into the former verfes of that chapter, ye (hall find, That it was a fight ofChrifl in his glory, as will more fully appear, by comparing ofthat, and the 4. chapter of the Eevelation together at your leifure. But where can a man fee the Glory of God, but in the Gofpel? The Gof- pel is called, The Glorious Gofpel : there the Glory of L 2 God ass.......0715e1151.70