Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Phil. 2. 6, 7. Luke.,22. 42. The Spiritual life, and In-being God is to be feen. With open face there, as in a glafs, we behold the Glory ofthe Lord. Secondly, Themore I fee Chrift as anEminent, Tranf- cendent Exampleof Humility, and Self-Denial ; themore I learn to Deny my (elf , even in Spiritual things. Now the Gofpel holds forth Chrift as themolt Eminent Exam- pleof Humility, and Self-Denial : filch an Example as the Sun never faw before, from firft to laft. At the firfl ; He thought it no robbery ((ales the Apofile) to be equal with God: andyet he bumbled himfelf, and took, uponhim the formofafer.. vant. And at the !aft : Sales he unto his father, Tet not my will, but thy will be done. And ifye look into the 13. chap- ter of John, ye thanfind there, that our Lordand Savior Jefus Chrift, takes a towel, and water, and fals down at the feet ofhis Difciples, and waffles their feet, verfe the 4. He rifeth from flipper, and laid afide hisgarments, and took, a towel, andgirded himfelf : and after hehad powred water into a bafin, he began to wafb his Difciples feet, and to wipe themwith a towel. When the Pharifee fan, the woman come unto Cbrifi, andwafh hisfeet , and wipe them with the hair of her head; he wondred, and faid, Surely, if this bad been a Prophet, be wouldnot haveleereda [inner to come fo neer to him. Did the Pharifee wonder at this condefcention, ThatChrift fhould humble himfelffo far, as to filar a poor woman to come fo neer him, as towafh his feet with her tears ? Oh ! what condefcention is here ! for ever to be wondred at, That theLordChrift himfelf, fhoulddown upon his knees, and wafh the Difciples feet : that the great God ofheaven and earth, the fecond perfon incarnate, fhould nowcome, fall down at the feet of finners, (Judas among them too) and wafh his Difciples feet ; When all power in heaven and earth was in his hands, that with thole hands he fhould wafh the feet of finners ! But flay a little, It maybeall power in heaven and earth was not then given into his hands. Yes, reade for that purpofe, the 3. verfe (that goes before this Rory) Jefus lino- wing that the Father bad given all things into his hands, and dal