of Chrifi in all Bekevers. 61 that be was comefrom God, andwent to God; be riled, fromflip- per, and laid afide his garments. But though all power in heaven and earth, was given into his hands ; it may be he did not know it. Yes, (fain the text) Jefnr knowing that the Father badgiven all things in- to his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God : He rifeth from flipper, and laid afide his garments, and took, ° towel, and girded himfelf : After that, he powred water into a bafin, andbegan to wafh tbenfeiples feet. Oh ! what Self- Denial is here! was there ever fuch Self-denial as here ? And this, this does theGofpel hold forth untoye, and only to be learned in the Gofpel. Thirdly. The more I fee my fell a debter unto jefus Chrift, for all myGifts, and forall my Graces; the more Humble I fhall be, andthemore I fhall deny my felf in fpi- ritual things. Ye know how it is with a man that ows for his Cloaths : Poflibly, a man may wear brave, and fine Cloaths ; but he ows for them at filch a fhop. While he is abroad, he fwaggers, and is proud of his Cloaths : but when he comes into the fhop where he ows for them, and looks upon the book, and what he hath to pay, he ftrikes fail then, and is more modeft, afliamed,and blufhes. The Gofpel is thegreat Shop, fromwhence we have al our gifts, and al our graces ; and when I come into theGofpel, there I fee how infinitly I am a debter to Free-grace for al I have: and though I may be proud in fpirit at another time, yet if I come into the Gofpel, and fee what an infinite debter to Free-grace I am, for all thatever I wear upon the back of my foul ; then I think, Oh 1 what caufe have Ito be hum- ble I Shall I be proud ? fhall not I deny my felfin Spiritu- al things ? I fay, thisGofpel is the Shop of all our Gifts, and all-our Graces. Fourthly. True faving, juitifying faith, is an Empty-1 ing grace ; it brings Chrift intothe foul : and when Chriit comes into the foul,all other things mutt out. As when a King,or Prince comes intoa Houle ; theMatter of thehoufe! goes out of his own lodging, and all mutt out, to make room 3.